Cynthia Davis Deserves a Break Today!
"Davis lives in St. Charles County, one of the wealthiest districts in Missouri. If she doesnt see hunger and poverty where she lives, in her mind it doesnt exist." --…
Ye Olde Scribe’s Spy Fly on the Wall Update
Although kept secret, Scribe's spy fly on the wall recorded the results of an investigation... "Wait, 'assistant' means you 'assist.' Why don't you have his clothes off yet?" "I... just...…
Sanford and “Hon”
Found this at BC. It was so good: couldn't resist. I think someone could have a lot of fun with another idea I heard on Thom Hartmann's show. A caller…
The Tattlesnake Sanford Scandal Lays Bare American Inequality Edition
There's Justice for the Mark Sanford's and Then There's Justice for the Rest of Us "The vices of the rich and great are mistaken for error; and those of the…
Inspection- In Response to Dull-witted Applications of Ockham’s Razor
To provide my own dull wit to a word, why is it whenever I hear "Ockham," I want to say "bless you?" From Ockham's Razor: (Note: apparently, according to…