The Tattlesnake On Celebrating Memorial Day in the Aftermath of Cheney’s New Rome Edition
My uncle was an Army Ranger during the Korean War who saw the results of 'enhanced interrogation techniques' performed by the North Koreans on American GIs. Although there were no…
Ye Olde Scribe’s News Blurb
"New and improved; now with extra 'blurb!'" And.. "Where Scribe takes actual news and adds his own special twist." What a deal! You may remember, in the news recently, church…
Republicans Play Grown-Up?
"Republicans, Let's Play Grown-Up" Peggy Noonan, WSJ Online, May 30, 2009. "Mancow's 'Waterboarding' Was Completely Fake" John Cook, Gawker, May 29, 2009. "Olbermann and Mancow Knock Down Waterboarding Hoax Allegation"…
Inspection- What Pelosi Can Prove and What She Can’t
Afternoons I drive around in my small pickup and do chores or make contacts for work. I have Sirius... satellite radio... and afternoons are rather droll. The just left, or…
They played the audio on The Bill Press Show this morning. The guy sounds like he has dead squirrels for brains... Man Calls 911 Over Orange Juice ALOHA, Ore. (May…