The Day the Dead Walked the Streets
Written by Ken Carman Had I seen too many movies? I admit I spent my popcorn munching youth watching Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead type…
Beer Profile: The Battle of the Robust Porters
Two classics of the style, compared by Millie and Ken Carman... Sierra Nevada vs. Anchor Porter From Sierra Nevada's site... alcohol content 5.6% by volume yeast Top-fermenting Ale Yeast beginning…
Written by Millie Jenny C. (7/12/2005) All of a sudden. . . WHAM. . . A BOILING THAT SEEMS TO RISE AND RISE. OK . . . HERE I GO…
“Curious” George?
You will find my own comment amongst the bloggers where I disagree with part of this analogy. But it is an interesting one... "This is George." "He was a good…