The News Pauper: What Is It with the Republicans and Water?
By W.B. Dunne What is it with the Republicans and water? Waterboarding, Watergate, Katrina. If I were a Republican, Id watch out for the deep end of the pool. small…
Dowd Dood It
Further reading: "NY Times' Maureen Dowd Plagiarizes TPM's Josh Marshall" TPM, May 17, 2009. "Gerth blames NY Times editors for Whitewater 'mistakes'" Eric Boehlert, Media Matters, June 5, 2007. "Where's…
Tenet’s Slam Dunk House of Secrets
For a partial list of CIA lies to Congress, go here: "Does the CIA Ever Lie? Parsing the Pelosi Torture Controversy" Peter Hart, Common Dreams, May 20, 2009.
The Day the Dead Walked the Streets
Written by Ken Carman Had I seen too many movies? I admit I spent my popcorn munching youth watching Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead type…
Beer Profile: The Battle of the Robust Porters
Two classics of the style, compared by Millie and Ken Carman... Sierra Nevada vs. Anchor Porter From Sierra Nevada's site... alcohol content 5.6% by volume yeast Top-fermenting Ale Yeast beginning…