This Week’s Comments and Questions
I've not much of a Pelosi fan. But has anyone noticed the CIA is pushing the fact Democrats; especially her, had been briefed regarding "enhanced interrogation tactics" and Pelosi is…
Today’s Quotes: Fired to Support an Arrogant Pig
Rumor is a statistician is about to release an accurate report of Rush Limbaugh's national radio ratings over the past five years, compiled from the confirmable local ratings of stations…
The Burden
Written by Jenn Weinshenker Storms comin in from the west looks rough wed better put up those chairs in the shed. You think well have a tornado this time? Might,…
Saint Ronnie Prosecuted It
Those who defend torture: specifically waterboarding, really need to read up on history: and far more recent than WWII... "George W. Bush's Justice Department said subjecting a person to the…
Boris and Natasha I couldn't hear this, but the visual is interesting for those of us who were Jay Ward fans.