Science Gives You the Finger
"Three years ago, Lee Spievack sliced off the tip of his finger in the propeller of a hobby shop airplane. What happened next, Andrews reports, propelled him into the future…
The Tattlesnake Even Under Obama, Our Two-Tiered Justice System Rolls On Edition
Why Are Glenn Beck and His Media Colleagues Walking Free While Minnesota's 'RNC 8' Are Prosecuted for Terrorism? Real Texans, natives from those parts of the state not dominated by…
The Yeast… We Can Do
They're trying to custom design how your internal organs work and it all has to do with programming DNA, working to create "on/off" switches: a DNA memory device of sorts…
Another of Col. Rove’s Crimes Against America
H/T to Media Matters for the quote. Also read this at Media Matters: "Whether or not the federal government should shift education funding to vouchers is a policy disagreement. Nobody…
Inspection- On Barack, Hillary and Torture
"...a few bad apples..." -Ex-Pres. George W. Bush, forgetting to mention these were mostly the rotten apples at the top of the barrel "What they essentially have said is, 'If…