Movie Review: Knowing
Cage is one of those actors that is just a tad too dry and sedate for me, but I felt this worked well with Knowing. The premise, if you haven't…
Jenn’s First Cup: Little Bit of History
Little Bit of History By Jenn Weinshenker I stepped into an antique store today and Filled my lungs. Intoxicated by the aroma that old smell that old mothball smell, that…
Club News: Music City Brewers
Nashville, TN area Hi Club Members- I wanted to make sure you guys knew about this cool offer that we can get. In honor of Big Brew 2009, when join…
Rude Awakening
Written by Ken Carman The first time the leader of the colonization effort dreamed of the ancient ones and their city was his third night on Mars. Lazarus 10 had…