Val’s View: Making Peace
Making Peace By V.J. Leventhal Though my musings often tend toward the more metaphysical, I feel the need to say something about the place where inner peace meets the outer…
They Dreamed of Bushwacking Barbara
You may remember my Inspection column from a few months back about Jay Ward. I mentioned the show they had on briefly called,Fractured Flickers. I just happened to run into…
A Case of Bad Manners
Written by Ye Olde Scribe There was a lot of shaking And a mighty roar The whore houses closed their shutters Cats and mice paced house floors Heavenly light and…
This Train of Thought
Written by Jenn Weinshenker profoundly moved this train of thought this spoken word this memory once removed I wonder once every friend and relative have been laid to rest and…
Pigs In a Blanket
The most frequent examples of CAFO's you will hear about are hog operations. Thousands of pigs kept in pens in close quarters, inside, free fed until they are ready for…