Today’s Quote: Thomas Jefferson Denies U.S. Founded on Judeo-Christian Tradition
In fact, it was founded on English Common Law which predated the introduction of Christianity to Britain by two hundred years. " ... e know that the common law is…
Shadings and Colors
Written by Millie Jenny C Shadings and colors At the edge of perception Seemingly . . . Winking in and out at the edge of my vision. . . Teasing…
To Go Where No Hard Drive Has Gone Before
Written by Ken Carman She came to us in the early Spring... unexpected. Someone didn't want her. Perhaps she frightened them. They left her on the doorstep with a tag…
Written by R.S. Janes And so they shaved his head and found the incriminating '666' there on his scalp. So that the world must not die, the Devil's spawn, he…