From the Bottle Collection
Looking up at our vast collection that covers the walls I noticed Oregon Brown Ale. There were several Oregon Ales, and I remember them being interesting for the time. Not…
Beer Profile: Hitachino Nest
Reviewed by Millie and Ken Carman Brewed by: Kiuchi Brewery, Ibaraki, Japan Abv: 9 Style: "Festive; commemorative (holiday?) Ale" Spices: coriander, orange peel, nutmeg, vanilla beans " Comments... Ken: "Wow,…
Cartoon: Fox News Teabags America
Headline: FOX NEWS TAKES OWNERSHIP OF TEA PARTIES... Definition of 'teabagging' from the Urban Dictionary: 1. teabagger multiple meanings. 1) one who carries large bags of packaged tea for shipment.…
Val’s View: Making Peace
Making Peace By V.J. Leventhal Though my musings often tend toward the more metaphysical, I feel the need to say something about the place where inner peace meets the outer…