Today’s Quotes: Bumper Sticker Thinking
(Thanks to Mitch L. for some of these.) Whatever hits the fan will not be distributed evenly. I'm too old to care anymor. Corduroy pillows are making headlines! My short-term…
The Velveteen Question
Written by Ken Carman What is real You asked Is it tomorrow? Is it today? And By the way What about All the yesterdays That insist on their say Knocking…
Well Prepared
Written by Sennebec She was the epitome of the completely self-assured young adult, always planning her next trip. A slender fourteenish red head with abundant freckles that managed to hold…
What We Do Unto Others
A truly frightening historical perspective... "According to surviving documents released under a Freedom of Information Act request, the Project X lessons contained a full range of intelligence activities. A 1972…