The Tattlesnake: What Fools These Morsels Be Edition
Separate the wheat from the chaff in this April Fool's Day quiz: which are the real news items and which are the fakes (and no cheating with the Google): 1.…
Beer Profile: Buffalo Bill’s Blueberry Oatmeal Stout
Reviewers Millie and Ken Carman Blueberry Oatmeal Stout Buffalo Bill's Brewery Haywood, CA Usual alcohol %: 4.2-5.9% abv This version: 7.5% Right up front there's the smell of blueberry and…
Club News: Escambia Bay Brewers:
Pensacola area April Calendar Saturday April 4th- HBU Crawfish Boil Saturday April 11th - In Town Pub Crawl. At noon we will meet at Seville for the pub-crawl and catch…
Club News: Music City Brewers
Nashville, TN Next Monthly Club Meeting Saturday, April 11th: 2pm From RJ Tazelaar, For the April meeting, I will provide hot dogs on the smoker, as well as buns and…
The Brew Biz: Werts and All
This edition of Brew Biz was originally published in The Score last year: a publication of Music City Brewers. It is a review of a fine brewpub in Connecticut. Willimantic…