Give Me an “H!” Give Me a “Y…”
What's that spell? Regressive Hypocrisy (Yawn...) Again "Another one that I like a lot is this silly trope that Obama is seeking to take over the country, a la Stalin..."…
The News Pauper: Radio Rawanda
Radio Rawanda By W.B. Dunne Does anyone still harbor the trampled ideal that the surge in violence and death were seeing in Main Street ISNT being fomented by Rush the…
Val’s View: Inner Power
Inner Power by V.J. Leventhal Last week I began my column with a general discussion of external versus internal power. I'd like to talk about what I mean by "internal"…
Pet Prose: Birds and Bodyguards
Birds and Bodyguards by The Pet Pro One of my favorite stories of animal intelligence is the one I read recently about the barn cat who got herself some canine…
R Wes Gettin “Stupider?”
I don't really agree with the premise that the net is necessarily making our brains climb back down the evolutionary top of the brain stem stalk. But this does ask…