Ye Olde Scribe’s Incredible, Edible? Quote Machine
"It may be 'edible,' and even for breakfast, but YUCK!" This qualifies as something found on the way to researching something else. Kind of like finding out a spouse, a…
Failed Talking Point
"FDR managed to get re-elected in 1936 despite no appreciable improvement in economic conditions." Respond with... "In fact, history records that the U.S. economy grew by an average of 13…
Ye Olde Scribe Has Fun With Biblical Sayings
"Now that's Scribe's kinda communion!" Do you not know I must be in my father's house? -Psalms Scribe asks... Raiding the liquor cabinet?
Literate and Illiterate Quotes
Although the following doesn't quite qualify as either "literate" or "illiterate," it does qualify as a display of evil and ignorance. We must ask, "Is this the kind of nation…