The Tattlesnake — No Wonder Newspapers Are Dying Off Edition
I recently received a free copy of one of my city's two major fishwrappers; except for the front page and inside front cover, the 'news' pages were dominated by ads.…
Today’s Real Joke: Creaming Bush
Ben & Jerry's have created a "Yes Pecan!" ice cream to honor Obama's inauguration. (It contains "Amber Waves of Buttery Ice Cream with Roasted Non-Partisan Pecans," according to the company's…
Saturday’s Useless Trivia 2/21/09
In China, Elvis Presley is known as Mao Wang, which translates as Cat King, or the King of Cats. (H/t to Mark G., currently in southern China, for this info.)
This Day in Hell: The ‘Perley’ Gates
February 21, 2050: Richard Perle is welcomed to Hell after decades of being assured he is going to Heaven. To the amusement of everyone, Perle makes a lengthy speech wherein…
Ye Olde Scribe Productions Presents: Cleaning Out Most of the YOS Closet
You may have noticed, gentle reader, that Ye Olde has been missing for more than a few weeks. From deep inside his anti-Archie Bunker he has been recovering from one…