The Tattlesnake GOP Fiddles While America Burns Edition
Or, Nero Was No Hero But one of the good things about reading history is you learn a good deal. And, we know for sure that the big spending programs…
God’s Sexy Banana
Oh my. So hot. God created the perfect, and quite sexy banana. See it slide in and out of the feminine-like human hand! You're not going to believe the "logic."…
Inspection- Four Shorts
This week I decided to start practicing my editing skills. Long columns can be a challenge, but it's far too easy to lose readers in excessive hot air; no matter…
Boomers Fizzle
Where do we go from here now that all of the children are growing up? Us boomers, through the 60s and 70s had all the answers. We were going to…
The Tattlesnake Six Neocon Whoppers: Myth, Truth and Proof Edition
The Dirty Half-Dozen: Exposing Some Recent Right-Wing Fairy Tales and Deceptions 1. Myth: Rupert Murdoch and his News Corporation media possessions, The Wall Street Journal and Fox News, are the…