"It is the government's contention that the judges' decisions to send juveniles to PA Child Care and Western PA Child Care were motivated by their business dealings with the center's…
Rush’s ‘Ownership’ Society
"I own the men, and what must I do now to own women?" -- Rush Limbaugh (R-Jabba the Hutt). What do women want? Uh, not to be 'owned,' to start
Failed Talking Point #1
Next time someone offers you some variation on the following catch phrase when referring to taxation they don't like that it.... "...takes away our money at the point of a…
Ye Olde Scribe Has Fun With Biblical Sayings
"The blind leading the blind." "...faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." -Hebrews 11:1 (NO, not the BEER) Scribe's addendum...…
Cartoon: Jindal — The Man of ‘Steele’
R.S. Janes. H/T to the late Joe Shuster & Jerry Siegel.