Ye Olde Scribe Presents: A Report from the Festivities in Washington
Being the famous, universally praised, rich internet entity that he is, Scribe is experiencing the festivities first hand. He has a prime seat: outside the furthest back barricade with a…
The Tattlesnake — Bush: The Way of All Flash Edition
The End of An Irritant Rational people, when faced with a massive failure of their own making, normally take some time for private circumspection and avoid further contact with the…
Inspection- There is No Such Thing as an “Alcoholic”
Writing Inspection is sometimes a bit like stepping into the dog pen without a flashlight in the middle of the night. You absolutely know you're going to step in something…
The Tattlesnake Anti-Mythmaking and Other Conundrums Edition
"Obviously, some of my rhetoric has been a mistake." -- George W. Bush in what, we hope, is his final press conference. SOME??? A Few Popular Media Myths Quickly Dispelled:…
The Tattlesnake Presidential Meeting at the White House Edition
On January 7, 2009, the four living US presidents and President-Elect Barack Obama met for lunch at the White House. Details of their private conversation have been kept from the…