The Great Debate
This debate got sidetracked for a while, and yes I'm in part responsible for that, but it's still a real good question... "This is a legitimate, rather than rhetorical, query.…
Literate and Illiterate Quotes
A new feature here at Liberaltopia, soon to be LTSaloon. Occasionally I come across quotes while reading or listening I wish to share. This is from one of my favorite…
Monday’s Quote: ‘Virtual’ Annoyances?
"The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues." -- Elizabeth Taylor
This Day in Hell: Office Politician
February 22, 2032. Lewis I. 'Scooter' Libby arrives without fanfare and is shown a small office where he gets right down to work sharpening eye gouges for Satan's right-hand man…