Ye Olde Scribe’s Day After New Year’s Day Quotation Bomb Bonanza
"As Scribe, dressed as Slim Pickens, rides da bomb down to planet blog." "Slim Pickens?" What ever happened to his brother who hogged the buffet line, "Fat Sloppings?" -YOS The…
The Tattlesnake The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of 2008 Edition
Coverage of the Big Stuff of 2008, in the form of cheesy top ten lists and lofty-worded think pieces, will be churned out endlessly by Our Corporately-Owned Media over the…
Inspection- Questioning, Yet Hoping, for More “New” in the New Year: 09
Inspection- 00 to 08; a Preamble to New Year: 09 I'll start with a quote by "Elvis" at "(ask the MSM)...why Michael Connell's death is not has suspicious as…
The Tattlesnake Is Gov. Rod Getting Rammed? Edition
What's the Republican Political Angle to the Blagojevich Prosecution? Is Illinois' F**king Golden Boy Merely the Stooge for a Partisan GOP Attack on Obama and the Dems? Had Enough Leading…
The Tattlesnake — Another Holiday Rerun Edition
Yet another holiday rerun. Merry Christmas! THE GUY IN THE JESUS SUIT The guy in the Jesus suit occupied space at the end of the bar exuding waves of beneficence…