The Tattlesnake – McPalin: It Just Gets Deeper and Deeper Edition
Random Notes on the Worst Presidential Campaign in Modern History, Tonight's Debate, and Other Rumorous Swill "Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are…
Inspection- On Avoiding the Great Endarkenment
Tuned into Sirius News yesterday and they reported Barack O'bama said he will not respond to their "smear campaign" but, instead will "address the issues." What are the "issues?" Or…
The Tattlesnake – Quiz: Find the Real Palin Quotes Edition
"He who cannot remember the past is condemned to remember the past. Or something." -- Joe Queenan, channeling a Quayleism in "The Vice-Presidency Is a Terrible Thing to Waste." Grab…
The Tattlesnake – The Reverse Bradley Effect Edition
You remember the so-called Bradley Effect? That was named after former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley when he ran for Governor of California in 1982. Although ahead in late polling,…
Turns Out Palin’s Been Lying About This Too…
When I first heard Sarah Palin make the claim that she could "see Russia from her house" it sounded weird and, checking a map, seemed preposterous. Now, thanks to CNN,…