The Tattlesnake Campaigning on the Bizarre B-Side Edition
Was Ashley Todd's Imaginary Attack a Desperate Rovian Dirty Trick? Not to be callous, but your slow-on-the-draw Tattler admits that when he first heard, partially awake, on the radio that…
The Tattlesnake The Worms Turn On the Wormy Edition
Plus: Palin Prop Blames the Hired Help, the Rove-Rezko Connection, and the GOP Fear of Michael Moore Well you know it's really hit the fan when all McCain can do…
The Tattlesnake Lipstick on a Pygmalion Edition
Plus a Ray of Light on McCain's Silly Phillie Charge and Other Diversions "If your actions speak louder than words, you're not yelling loud enough." -- Stephen Colbert, October 20,…
Inspection- Moments
Barack supporters have a lot to be thankful for. Do they realize that? These are special times: being in the presence of an inspiring leader so close to plucking the…