The Tattlesnake The Media Elite Highlight Their Own Elitism Edition
The bored and restless Punditrocracy, maintaining their staunch avoidance of relevance or importance, furiously lit like garbage scow flies upon Barack Obama's alleged 'elitism' for pointing out that people in…
Inspection- Ken’s Neo Con… spiracy Theory
The Neos are up to something... To paraphrase an over quoted scene from a movie: "Proof? I ain't got no proof. I don't need no stinkin proof." One of Bill…
Ye Olde Scribe Presents: Interesting, But Rejected, Campaign Jokes, Songs and Slogans
And now, Ye Olde Scribe Fly On the Wall Productions Somewhat Proudly Presents... Interesting, But Rejected, Campaign Slogans Scribe's cloned flies on the wall have been busy bouncing from campaign…
Dear United States
Im a Yankee Doodle Dandy. I have stood with my hand over my heart for the flag. I have had a tear in my eye for those who have died…
Stupid Is, As Stupid Does
This little gem appeared in CNN today. A leading Democratic senator today cast doubt on the rationale for the surge of U.S. troops in Iraq. Recent violence in the country…