Take Five from Politics
I have been told that since the United States has outsourced it's manufacturing capacity, that we are now a service oriented society. My sister-in-law has moved to an apartment complex…
The Tattlesnake Yet More Scenes from the Neocon Paradise Edition
Where Government is Tiny and Everything is Privatized "Hello, Commercial Water Distribution Corporation, how can I help you?" "Hi, my name is" "Got it right here on the AT&T surveillance…
Children Playing With Matches
Sean Hannity thinks The New Black Panther Party is an organization with whom to smirkingly mock and accuse of a certain type of hypocrisy. Yesterday, Malik Shabazz was having none…
Ye Olde Scribe Presents: The Elephant
A day in January. Barack O'Bama is sworn in as President. Everyone is clapping as a sunbeam slips through the heavens and shines on the newly elected one. Even Hillary,…
The Tattlesnake — Random Humor, Tumor Rumors and Fat Scat Edition
If you want Republicans to vote for universal health care or anything else beneficial for the average American, just name the bill the Investigating Domestic Instigators, Objectors and Terrorists (IDIOT)…