Inspection- Of Surrogate Sliming and Shooting Your Rhetorical Wad Before It’s Time
As we all know, there are certain things O'Bama can't say up front. He has to maintain his image as one who is going to unite. He's a smart politician;…
The Tattlesnake — Obama’s Wright Wing and McCain Trained Monkeys Edition
"But as I travel around this big ol world, Theres one thing that I most fear: Its a white man in a golf shirt With a cell phone in his…
The Tattlesnake The Media Monsters in a Box for John McCain Edition
"A propaganda model focuses on this inequality of wealth and power and its multilevel effects on mass-media interests and choices. It traces the routes by which money and power are…
Inspection- The Swift Boating of America
I was listening to Geraldine Ferraro and wondering... ...why is it no one else sees the Karl Rove connection here? Amongst the swill and the sludge of the daily campaigns,…
The Tattlesnake Fired Tuck Edition
Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson is not even a misbegotten American journalist's idea of a journalist -- it's a laughable enigma how this spoiled son-of-privilege ever ended up on television pretending…